Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

In this blog post, I am going to be discussing a common complaint for my patients: shoulder pain. I’m going to mainly focus on muscle issues (rotator cuff pathology and biceps tendonitis) and in another post I’ll talk about some other issues affecting the shoulder.…

Genicular Nerve Ablation

Genicular Nerve Ablation

Now that we’ve discussed radiofrequency ablation in this prior post, let’s discuss a particular application of the technique called genicular radiofrequency ablation.  This procedure is done for knee pain, particularly knee pain from arthritis. This procedure is exciting because many people do not want to…

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Now that it’s finally getting warm out, that means that more of my office visits become sport related!  In this post I am going to discuss tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow does occur often in people that play a lot of…

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

In this post I’m going to be discussing low back pain, but a slightly different type of low back pain than the previous post addressed.  I want to talk about the sacroiliac joint, which often times gets overlooked as a cause for low back and…



Arthritis is a very common condition that I treat, which makes sense, because it can strike any joint in the body and cause a lot of pain. It can be confusing, though, because there are different types of arthritis, and the treatments differ between them.…