Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

In this post I will be discussing another therapy used for chronic pain: medical marijuana. Since I practice in NY, and the state laws vary so much, I will only be discussing the program in NY. I’ll give a brief overview of how the program…

Cancer Pain

Cancer Pain

To celebrate my mother finishing her last round of chemotherapy today, I wanted to talk about cancer pain.  When I was a fellow, I rotated through one of the major cancer centers in New York City, and was exposed to many patients being treated for…

Low Dose Naltrexone

Low Dose Naltrexone

In this post I’m going to be discussing low dose naltrexone, which is a treatment I primarily use for fibromyalgia.  I’ve also tried it for some other widespread pain conditions with success, but I’m going to focus on fibromyalgia because that is the best studied.…



One class of medication that I’ve mentioned a few time in other posts is topical medication.  Topical means that the medication is applied to the skin, directly over the painful areas, as opposed to being taken in a pill or other formulation.  There are some…



When I talk to people about my job, I get asked a lot of questions about steroids.  Steroid shots, steroid pills- you name it- people are interested in whether or not steroids could help them.  I thought it might be useful to go into a…



I wanted to share with you a story about something that happens every so often in my pain clinic.   Here’s the scene: I get a new patient coming in for back or chest pain, and the patient tells me that they just noticed the…