Diet and Pain

Diet and Pain

In this post I will be focusing on dietary changes to manage pain. This is a very common thing that patients ask me about, as it is something they can take charge of at home. The relationship of diet and pain is a very complicated…

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

In this post I will be discussing another therapy used for chronic pain: medical marijuana. Since I practice in NY, and the state laws vary so much, I will only be discussing the program in NY. I’ll give a brief overview of how the program…

The Opioid Crisis

The Opioid Crisis

This blog post is going to be a little bit of a departure from my normal topics of pain conditions/treatments. I feel strongly that pain management doctors like me, on the front lines, need to share our experiences and thoughts regarding the opioid crisis. I…



Today I will be covering the topic of migraine headaches. This post was a special request, and a little while coming, because to be honest, I am not a headache specialist! I do treat some headaches, but more often I see tension headaches arising from…



Let’s talk about sciatica- one of the most common complaints I get in my clinic.  The medical term for sciatica is radiculopathy, so I’ll be using that term from here on in this post.   Most of my readers probably can spot the symptoms of…

Cancer Pain

Cancer Pain

To celebrate my mother finishing her last round of chemotherapy today, I wanted to talk about cancer pain.  When I was a fellow, I rotated through one of the major cancer centers in New York City, and was exposed to many patients being treated for…

Herbal Supplements for Pain

Herbal Supplements for Pain

Now that I’ve relocated my practice to Manhattan, I’ve noticed that many of my patients are interested in alternative options to conventional medical treatments. I love talking with people about these kinds of options because my priority is to develop a treatment plan that is…



When I talk to people about my job, I get asked a lot of questions about steroids.  Steroid shots, steroid pills- you name it- people are interested in whether or not steroids could help them.  I thought it might be useful to go into a…



I wanted to share with you a story about something that happens every so often in my pain clinic.   Here’s the scene: I get a new patient coming in for back or chest pain, and the patient tells me that they just noticed the…

What is Pain Management?

What is Pain Management?

The question I get asked the most when I tell people what type of medicine I practice is, “What exactly IS pain management?”  Most people think I do one of two things: inject people with steroids or prescribe people opioids. Happily for me, my day-to-day…